Are you a woman whom has been living in chronic pain?
Back pain , fatigue and mobility issues. Persistent pain as they now call it becomes a way of life for many but it should not be.
Join me in raising awareness in your body and learning functional changes and habits that can change your life.
Client testimonial
"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6 years ago. I lived almost everyday in pain and was shipped from one doctor to another over a course of 4 years. Many of the medications they had me try either didn't work or made my symptoms worse, sometimes creating new symptoms. I know that I felt very defeated and felt people didn't understand because I looked "normal". During this time I also battled depression and which was hard on my family as well as myself.
About 8 weeks ago I finally started a journey with Andrea (thought what the heck nothing to lose)
In this time I have had a life changing experience. My range of motion and my energy levels have increased. I feel stronger everyday I still have days where the pain gets me but I have only taken 3 pain pills in 2 months and I was taking several a day for 5 years. I am learning to control my pain with stretching and light exercises. Also have switched mainly to an anti-inflammatory diet. Bonus have dropped a few pound too. Lol
Not to say this has been an easy few months because it has been a lot of hard work and dedication but looking at taking back my life it is worth it. With the support of my family and friends I will keep going.
Thank you Andrea for not letting me give up"